JOBBIE Nut Butter New Box! What’s so mysterious about it? Hidden messages? Weird Egyptian/Mayan symbols? Are you guys secretly from a secret society planning a world domination!?

JOBBIE Nut Butter New Box! What’s so mysterious about it? Hidden messages? Weird Egyptian/Mayan symbols? Are you guys secretly from a secret society planning a world domination!?

“So what’s hiding behind the parcel safety funny quote sticker, I notice there’s some words hiding behind it.”  

Ahhhh, very attentive of you to notice something so small near the bottom of the box. The full sentence is actually:



JOBBIE Nut Butter box #WeAreWhereWeAreBecauseOfYou

The warning part is just our usually cheeky self, but the most important one is actually the hashtag #WeAreWhereWeAreBecauseOfYou. Not much people know is we actually started with almost nothing, and we really mean NOTHING. 

With less than a week funds for food, our founders at the age of 20 (Joseph) and 18 (Debbie) started out by working many odd jobs from insurance agent to freelance magician for kids party to selling toys to save money for what is known to be called JOBBIE Nut Butter today. 

No knowledge, no experience, no money, no connection, it’s a miracle to say we survived this till today and it’s all thanks to YOU…who supported us by buying our handmade 100% all natural peanut butter. 

Symbolic meaning of sticking the parcel safety sticker on top of the gratitude hashtag is to remind us to eternally at heart to always be grateful for all the help we received along our nutty adventure at JOBBIE! 

JOBBIE Nut Butter box hidden message mysterious symbols

What is that Egyptian/Mayan hieroglyphic behind the JOBBIE box 

Don’t worry, we’re not from the illuminati. The hieroglyphics are actually an origin story of our journey dated back from 2014 – to the present day of 2020 (we will update the hieroglyphs every year as we pass a new year). This serves as a way to share our journey with you, hoping you’ll jump aboard to join this unknown but exciting voyage ahead along with all of us.  

JOBBIE Nut Butter Box hidden message mysterious symbols

***sequence starting from left to right 

  1. 2014 (roman letter)  
  2. Night before  
  3. Christmas Eve
  4. Snow  
  5. Joseph and Debbie  
  6. Learn recipe from YouTube  
  7. roasting peanut butter  
  8. 2015 (roman letter)  
  9. Taking bus to sell peanut butter 
  10. Taking train  to sell peanut butter 
  11. Joseph and Debbie doing sampling 
  12. 2 person 
  13. Sold less than 10 bottles on the first day  
  14. Carry boxes  
  15. Going up the 4 floors (Joseph and Debbie lived in apartment 4th floor with no lift)  
  16. Carrying raw peanuts up the stairs everyday
  17. Knock on door by door to sell peanut butter  
  18. 2016 (roman letter)  
  19. Finally bought a secondhand car  
  20. Immediately got into accident not long after
  21. Car is destroyed  
  22. Created website  
  23. 2017 (roman letter)  
  24. Feature in magazine/ newspaper  
  25. Feature in radio  
  26. Feature in tv 
  27. Opened a small shop lot to make peanut butter  
  28. Debbie roasting nuts  
  29. Joseph grind peanuts  
  30. 2018 (roman letter)  
  31. Found new CEO  
  32. Follow CEO and his vision  
  33. 2020 (roman letter)  
  34. Total of 6 person in Jobbie now 

JOBBIE Nut Butter box hidden message mysterious symbols

But what about the JOBBIE box quality, has it changed? 

Yes, we understand “inner beauty” is as important as a hansemmm first impression outer look. In simple terms, the materials are upgraded to a more safe food grade material that will not release any harmful gases even in extreme heat. 

Moreover, we have added an extra layer of inner bracing to withstand more impacts and abuses. You know LaH…just in case abang pos had a bad day at work and want to take it out on your box of order? (just joking, no disrespect to any hardworking deliveryman) 

It’s only a box to store peanut butter, why go through such length to upgrade it?

Here at JOBBIE we believe a good product does not only need to taste good but it will be embedded with a beautiful memory along with it. The excitement from placing your first ever order on our website, to unboxing your newly arrive peanut butter via post and lastly savoring the nut butter in slow-mo! 

Hence, even to the slightest of details as the box that stores your lovely peanut butter at great effort are consistently made sure its sturdiness, aesthetics and functionalities are improved and upgraded along the way! 

Heck, it once even helped our CEO survive a car crashing unto him inside a parking lot while he was walking, minding his own nutty business, no joke! 

JOBBIE Nut Butter Box

To sum all these up

All these improvements are made for you, to make sure you receive your peanut butter safely, providing you “with more face(pride)” when you proudly give it out as a gift to your friends, maybe just maybe even help you get that promotion or year end bonus when you give it to your bosses muahahahahha!

The effort will be worthwhile, 

If we manage to see your beautiful smile, 

like an innocent child, 

falling in love with our style, 

so you’d throw other brands 10,000 miles, 

in the wild! (Hope you like our freestyle!) 


Thanks for reading! 

Support our journey, try our peanut butter today. 

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